2019 NEW ICAN Carbon Bike frame All Internal cable routing Disc Brake flat mount front 100mm rear 142mm road bike frame Handlebar: seperated / integrated, please make a note on your order integrated handlebar HB017 size: 400mm*100mm 400mm*110mm 400mm*120mm 420mm*90mm 420mm*100mm 420mm*110mm 420mm*120mm 440mm*90mm 440mm*100mm 440mm*110mm 440mm*120mm seperated Handlebar Type Carbon Road Disc Brake Frameset Frame A9 Fork 100*12mm Rear hanger 142*12mm Material Toray T700&T800 carbon Clamp for seatpost Special design weave UDmatt/painting Frame weight 1100±10g 52cm Fork weight 580g (fork+headset) Seatpost wegiht 260g BB(Bottom Bracket) BB86(DI2) Available sizes 50cm 52cm 54cm 56cm 58cm Headset Special Cable Inner cable routing Max weight lader 120kg Disc brake type New flat mount design Disc rotor 140/160mm exchangeable Max tire size 700C*28mm Please contact us which size you preferwhen you make a payment,thanks! Look at the A9, look at it. You know this is going to be one fast aero disc braked road bike, that is a long description. The A9 is designed to be the frameset that takes your cycling to speeds you never imagined you would hit. The A9 is constructed from a mix of Toray T700 and T800 carbon fiber cloth. Using the combination of carbon fiber allowed us to keep the weight down while building aero shaped profiles to help you slice your way through the air. This frameset will help guide you to new Strava times, and people will wonder how you suddenly got so fast. Featuring thru axles front and rear, a massively oversized BB86 bottom bracket area, a 1.5” head tube and some seriously oversized chain stays this frameset will make sure every watt of your energy is transferred to the road and is used for pushing you along. You’ll be going so fast, you’ll be glad of the flat mount brake calipers you have fitted. A 160mm at the front and a rear 140mm rotor will make sure you can keep your speed under control. You also don’t have to worry about hoses or cables costing you watts. With our new carbon fiber stem and handlebar, we have take integration to new levels. You’ll never see your cables or hoses once you’ve fitted them. Don’t worry we have made this as simple as possible. Our new A9 is going to be the frame to beat for 2019. Itemsareshippedwithin36hrsreceivingofthepaymentorfollowingbusinessday!WeprovideworldwideshippingviaEMSandE-Packet. Anemailwithtrackinginformationwillbesenttoyouoncethepackageships Dutyfee:Importduties,taxesandchargearenotincludedintheitempriceorshippingcharge. Thesechargesarethebuyer’sresponsibility. Pleasecheckwithyourcountry’scustomersofficetodeterminewhattheseadditionalcostswillbepriortobuying. OurEMSservicewillsupplythetracknumberonlineaftershipping.UsuallyshiptoEuropenandNorthAmericanonlytake7-10daysarrival,othercountriesneedabout15-20dayscandelivery,unlesstherearecustomsdelayswhichwillextendthedeliverytime. Pleasereadtheentireproductdescriptionbeforebuying. Wewillbemorehappytoansweranyyourquestionspromptly. Weacceptreturnswith14days,onlyreplacementafter14days. 10%restockingfeewillapplyifopenorused. Retureshippingistobepaidbythebuyer.Originalshippingchargescannotberefunded. Pleaseprovideyourreturnsforfastprocessing. Retureorexchangewillbevoidif,uponourrequest,thebuyerfailstoprovideuswithavalidtrackingnumber. Pleasecontactusifyouhaveanyproblems. ShenzhenICANSPORThasmanufacturedcarbonbikeitem,wheelsetandotherbicyclepartsfor5years. Wefocusonhigh-endwheelrimsandfashion-rtendframesets.Tomeetstrictqualitystandardsandrequirements,wehaveadesignteamandourownbrandICAN. Nowwearestrivingtomakehighqualityandgooddesigncarbonframeandwheelsettomeetcustomer’sneed. Ourgoalistoprovideyouwith100percentsatisfation!